If I Should Die

If I should die, read these words at my funeral, should it be attended.

As was my penchant in life, I loved to philosophize. Well, this is my last chance to do it again with you. Please, don’t take me too seriously. But, what I have to say is very serious.

If I Should Die

For many of you, today is a sad day. It is a sad day because I am dead. It’s ok you can cry; I am crying too.

What will remain of me are my flesh and bones (which I hope you donated to science!), the memories I have shared with you, and these final words.

In many ways, death takes: your life, your moments with loved ones, your ability to say what you wanted but perhaps never did, etc. However, death also gives. I, of course, wrote these words before I died. And it was only in the sobering reflection of death that I understood, fully, what I am about to say now. This understanding, this internalization, this feeling, is a gift. It is, undoubtedly, the best gift I ever received.

Death has given me the realization that I truly lived. And I truly lived because I had you, each and every one of my friends and family. Wherever I am (perhaps nowhere), know that I too am crying. But my tears are not sad tears; they are the most beautifully happy tears imaginable. I lived in love and I lived loved. I had the fortune and joy of having a family. I had the pleasure and happiness of having friends. There is nothing more to my life that is more important than that. I loved some exceptional people, and those exceptional people loved me. If I had the option to live a different life, any life, indefinitely, I would return only to my own. It is only in my life, that of Jordan Clark’s, that I have a relationship with you.

You see, from writing these final words, I, at once, understood how to live life. If you know what you care about when you die, you can more easily know what you care about when you live. I spent my days in great company and real companionship. As some of you may know, I was a perpetual dreamer; I always had some big idea on my mind. With you, I lived the dream. Thank you. I wouldn’t have this any other way.

Today may be a sad day. But it is also happy. It is a celebration of life in equal proportion to the acquiescence to death. My last wish and command, if you’ll indulge me, is that you must be happy at my funeral!

We both know, in our heart of hearts, that there is an abundance of love between us. I know I still carry it. I know you will too.

I love you. I am grateful to you. Thank you for making me one very happy man.


In you,



The “Best” You


On Turning 25