Grateful for Coffee

I am grateful for coffee. The world, in fact, runs on it and there is good reason. Yes, the brew is addictive. However, I think there is more to the love of coffee than its caffeine content. Of course, there is gratitude for the product itself; but also, there is gratitude for the experience coffee creates. Imagine a world with no cafes, and no intimate moments with friends and family over this cup that we call Jo. I can’t.  

I am thankful that coffee is a part of my daily ritual, for I am nobly addicted. Each morning, excitement builds with the first whiff of roasted bean that teases my nose. The light patter of falling beans and then the trickle of hot brew rival the sound of rainfall. The rustic fragrance, rich and roasted, massages my mind. I feel at home with coffee. And with the first sip, the world just makes sense. With the first taste, there is bliss. The morning is quiet and still, and I see the fresh day ahead. I am glad to be here. I am glad to have this morning's delight.

I am grateful for coffee.



Grateful for a Home Cooked Meal


Grateful for a Refrigerator