Grateful for a Bed

I am grateful for a bed, a cozy place to rest and sleep peacefully. In the few times I have slept on the ground, I have always remembered the cold and hard earth, undeterred to mold to the shape of my flesh and bones. I too have remembered the harder feelings that poor sleep breeds: frustration and fatigue. I remember the cranky mornings, the snap judgments, and the great impatience. I remember the harsh words said to strangers and the even harsher words said to loved ones. I remember the dark and suffocating anger, a blanket hate conceived in sleep deprivation.

I am grateful for a soft and warm mattress, the sheets that feel cool to the touch, and the pillows that caress my head. I am happy to find solace in sleep. It is often the case that a fit body leads to a fit mind. I am thankful for good sleep. I thank the humble bed.

I am grateful for a bed.


Grateful for the Boys


Grateful for Mentors