Grateful for Company
I am grateful for company, to have someone share their presence and present with me. I am grateful for my company, my friends and family. I am grateful for their time; that when they spend it with me, they never get it back. I took it and must appreciate that sacrifice of time. While time alone is precious, time in communion is priceless. I can place no definite value on my time with those I share it with. There is no price for the peaks and troughs of human experience my friends and I share. I am grateful for those who guided me towards goodness, those who fought with me through failure, the good men and the bad, everyone. What would I be without the company of my life? Something worse undoubtedly.
I am grateful for company, company in and of itself. Sometimes, I just need to be with someone, even if I do feel alone, even if for a short while. Aways, people and sharing time with them lightens the load and lifts me up, even if for a short while. Borrowing one of the best lyrics ever written, I look to Billy Joel’s Piano Man.
"They're sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it's better than drinking alone" - Billy Joel
I am grateful for company.