Grateful for the Smart Phone

I am grateful for the smartphone. I must not forget that while I carry it casually in my pocket, I hold perhaps the most revolutionary consumer device of all time. From a humble appearance of a rectangular, about a half-an-inch thick, and coated with sapphire glass, sprouts the truly extraordinary. From a singular device, I have a phone, camera, clock, calculator, and computer—need I go on? It has no precedent, no rival, no equal. With it, I hold one thing and yet I hold almost everything. Its uses may be used for right or wrong. But like everything else in this imperfect world, whether a tool is used for good or bad is a human decision. It is my decision. The smartphone is undoubtedly powerful. It is a power that is to be revered. It is a power I am lucky to wield.

I am grateful for the smartphone.


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