Grateful for a Role Model

I am grateful for a role model, someone to demonstrate what is possible to other men and women when focus is coupled with effort. I am happy to bear witness to greatness, to stand as a spectator to performance only achievable through the years which I did not see; that greatness was a long time coming; these gargantuan achievements sprouted from diminutive beginnings and with the consistency of will, grew to what awes me today. I am grateful for a role model, to know what work I myself must commit to, to what my new standard is, and to what bar I must surpass if I am ever to pay proper respect; that by not becoming the better, I insult his or her influence. A role model shows me where I lack and where I fail. Yet, is he or she not made of the same flesh and bone as me? Does he or she not sweat and bleed the same? All heroes are human, as am I. What has been done by Man can be done by Me, insofar to my depth of desire. On the road to excellence, I appreciate my role models. I’ll make them proud.

I am grateful for a role model.


Grateful for the Smart Phone


Grateful for a Sing-Along-Song