Grateful for Time With Them
I am grateful for time with them, the friends and family whom I cherish more than any material possession, more than the ambitions and dreams I harbor, and more than the world itself. To give one’s time is the penultimate sacrifice—death being the ultimate— as that time wisps into the past, over and done, fact and final. That time can never be given back, replicated or renewed so while it is there, I appreciate this finite time yet almost boundless sacrifice. I must remind myself that when a friend speaks, I listen. When a friend explains, I understand. When a friend needs help, I aid. We are all mortal and perhaps Man will forever be. In relation to time in its entirety, our lives are but an instant, a blink of an eye or snap of a finger of the cosmos. I may not do good for eternity, but I can do good for a moment. I can be a better friend, brother, and son for an instant. I can share an instant with the people I love.
Do not take the time of others lightly. Do not squander that sacrifice. You will not live again, neither will those cherished ones.
I am grateful for time with them.