Grateful to Know Guilt and Shame

I am grateful to know guilt and shame; that I can recognize how wrong I was and can be; that I may comprehend my misdoings. Though not in the moment, I am thankful to feel the sickening weight of regret, the signal that I have begun to internalize my wicked ways and how I must change if I should think more highly of myself, to feel better. Yes, I am deeply flawed. But, I am accepting of my imperfection, and aware of my capabilities of both good and evil, of all magnitudes.

I know I have a long road ahead. The path is for me to tread. The destination is mine alone; my standards are mine alone. I walk on the never-ending trail towards improvement, to be one step farther than I was. I want to be better. I must be better. And I am better. I am able to recognize this guilt and shame that clogs my gut and shrouds my mind. I must live on and live better because that is my only way forward. In very rare circumstances can I amend the past, at least the perception of it. At all times, I can act more virtuously, or at least more than before. And so, I march and march.

I am grateful to know guilt and shame.



Grateful for Affection


Grateful for the Boys