Grateful to People Watch

I am grateful to people watch, to observe the crowds with joy and wonder; that as long as I am capable of seeing beyond myself, I have rich entertainment in front of me. The caressing and kissing couple in the crowded walkway delights me; for love is expressed in differing ways. The laughing couple picnicking in the green meadow stirs me; for that is an expression I desire. The couple arguing humors me; that to have love one must also fight for it. The street performer singing to the passersby provokes me; for what do I know of another way to be? What do I know about playing what I love with only a few dollars in my guitar case? Some people exhibit passion and others wear grief. While people watching, I can glimpse romance, comedy, and tragedy. The people are fantastic, or maybe fantastically strange. But to people watch, one must be part of the people. And I am quite strange myself.  

I am grateful to people watch.


Grateful for Fireworks


Grateful for a Catch-Up