Grateful for a Catch-Up
I am grateful for a catch-up, to reconnect with a friend who I have not or could not see for a long time. Like everyone else, I do not possess unlimited time. I cannot see and be with all my friends. Yes, I will miss some of their highs and lows. I will not hear all their plans and aspirations. I am part of their life but I am not their life. I often think I am like a passenger in a car. I am party to the journey, but I do not steer the wheel or dictate the speed. As the landscape shifts and phases in and out of life’s stages, I can act as a set of eyes, ears, and a mouth in the backseat, observing and opining where I may be useful. However, I do not know the roads and I certainly do not know the route to get where the driver wants. I am but a humble backseat driver. My job is to be there in their journey.
And though in many catch-ups, we may have only a half day, perhaps a few hours, maybe even less, I am grateful nonetheless. It is impossible to condense all the past time into a catchup. It’s likely we can only cover the worst and best. Yet, during a catch-up, we may remind ourselves that though we drive ourselves, we ride together; that we all have a band in the back wishing us the best.
I am grateful for a catch-up.