Grateful for a View
I am grateful for a view, to see beyond that which is close and admire that which can’t be touched. To see an ocean, mountain, prairie, or skyline, I consider myself lucky. Beauty speaks for itself. I merely have to witness it and the awe, perplexation, and inspiration follow suit. A view opens the window to see not just the landscape but also a mindscape; for is not the best rumination coupled with exquisite vistas. The waters of the oceans, rocks of the mountains, and glass of the edifices are mirrors. When I gaze at a view, I oft look back onto myself. The fears that I hide, the dreams I grasp, and the regrets I want to bury are as clear as the structures themselves.
A view should not be about me and truthfully, very little is. Yet, philosophically, perhaps everything is about me; that all is intermediated by the mind’s eye, the ego of me. A view reminds me of both my smallness and largeness; that I am in this world and of it and this world is in me and of me.
I am grateful for a view.